Lab Philosophy
Much of our research is focused on large rivers, particularly, the Illinois and Mississippi rivers.. I am very fortunate to work with the talented individuals in the Lamer lab. The foundation of our strength comes from hard work, scientific inquiry, learning from each other, and assisting our fellow lab members with their research. I strive to expose all the students in my lab to a variety of projects. They are responsible for their project in its entirety, but gain so much more through working as a team, leading to comradery, proficiency at a wide variety of fisheries and aquatic ecology techniques, and contributing authorship on research products. My ultimate goal is to produce an aquatic ecologist/fisheries biologist that is adaptable and can hit that ground running at whatever job is pursued. All lab members are expected to be able to communicate their research through scientific presentations at conferences, and through manuscripts in scholarly journals.
If you have an interest in graduate school, I am always in search of hard-working individuals with a passion for aquatic research. We are a versatile group and use a variety of fisheries and aquatic techniques to answer basic and applied questions in aquatic ecology and biology. Please contact myself or any of our lab members if you have any questions.